we are beautiful here in the heartland
Information and services for residents
For any information on City services contact a member of the City Council.
City Council
Chad Booher - Mayor, Tracy Hoffmann - City Clerk, Jo Belmont - Alderman, Tara Kirk - Alderman, Debbie Taylor- Alderman
City Maintenance Director
Dennis Hoffmann
South Callaway School District
Tax Guide
The City of Mokane has a tax rate of 6.725%, The breakdown is 4.225% Missouri, Callaway county 1%, Mokane 1%, Special .5%.
Garbage and Recycling
The City of Mokane does not provide these. There are 3 agencies that provide garbage services. Allied Waste Services, Republic Services, Airvo Waste Removal, please contact them directly for services.
For Recycling please contact Advanced Disposal at 800-778-7652
Utility Bills
City provides Water/Sewer Click below on the link to go to the Payment Center. The city municipal code is : MokaneMO059. Will be needed to make payments. All new customers are required to complete an application for services and pay a deposit. Please contact the city clerk to do this.
City Events every year are the Fall Festival, City Parade, Hogs & Frogs.