Visit Us for a Day or Two 

Trip Advisor

When you have a day off visit us on your trip to Hermann,Mo or your trip to the State Capital in Jefferson City,Mo. Walk or bike on the Katy Trail, eat at the local bar and grill or stop in at the Mokane Market for a sandwich.

Katy Trail Mokane Access

Walk, Bike or Ride your horse here!

Visit a Local historic Church

Visit a church that is hundreds of years old in Mokane!

This is the local Mokane Christian Church was built in the early 1800's. The graveyard holds the founder of Mokane with the tallest grave marker that has no name. The church also has a bell that still rings to this day on church Sundays with old pews and wooden floors. The oldest house was a residence that was a brick building was demolished. The 1st Methodist Church actually burnt down. Originally the Methodist Church was a Baptist Church however with the decline of the railroad it was renamed when Baptists moved to Boonville, Mo. The tallest building was a three story building nearby the post office it actually printed the local paper for the City of Mokane, It also had apartments in the same building.

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